Sunday, March 15, 2009

Twitter Twitter Tweet Tweet

I find myself getting more and more drawn towards Twitter - the ability to have 'mini-thoughts' or 'mini-facts' instantly conveyed to anyone who follows me (either on Twitter or Facebook) is really clever. Add to that the fact that I can update it by sending a text message from my phone and you have a system that is addictive and VERY useful.

If you are interested in following me on Twitter, I am 'rah8'

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Choosing a Tai Chi Class

I suggested the following to someone today and then realised that they were good tips for choosing a Tai Chi (Taiji) class

1) Find a class near enough to where you are so that you will train each week.

2) Find a class where, at the end of the class you leave with a smile - it should be fun physically and mentally - it may well also be hard work but should still be fun. A lot of Tai Chi teachers take themselves and the art WAY too seriously

3) Your instructor should understand that Tai Chi is a martial art that was originally designed for combat and they should have some appreciation of how to apply the moves in the art to maim and kill - that's NOT because you want to learn those things, but an instructor who understands the HOW of combat will generally be much better at teaching the HOW of health and vitality - it's to do with understanding the correct body mechanics and efficient use of energy.

My own club in Buxton is always happy to see new peopel with or without prior martial or health arts experience.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


The next year (or two or three) may be a bit bleak for many people - but look on the bright side - it's a time filled with opportunity.

Perhaps people will come to be both more self reliant and more caring of others (those things are not mutually exclusive) - Perhaps more people will leave the idea of 'a job' behind and figure out how to live the life they want (whilst paying the bills).

OK, I AM biased, I have been living the life I want to, for nearly thirty years and so I am a believer - most people believe that they have to do a 9 to 5 job they hate... and don't know what they really want and they don't know how to go about getting it.

NOW is the time to do some serious goal setting and planning as you and ONLY you can be trusted... Job security just does not exist for most people any more. Running your own business you do rely on others but you have SO much more power over what may happen. Government help - well maybe but maybe not...

What you need at a very minimum is your own home (all paid for) money on deposit (even at these terrible interest rates) and multiple independent streams of income some from 'real world' and some from Internet activities - oh it's also a great idea to offshore anything that you legally can.

If you are a Facebook user join my group Web Prosperity 101 at

or if you use Twitter please follow me, I am 'rah8'

To OUR success in 2009.
