Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gong Xi Fatt Choy


I'd like to wish everybody a prosperous Year of the Ox.

Have a great one...


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life is all about balance.

Life is all about balance.

At least I think so.So does hormone expert Dr. Holly Lucille.

Holly's idea of balance goes beyond day-planners and schedules.

She talks about "internal" balance: Balance between your natural hormones to help create energy, lower bodyfat, and jacking up your

Good stuff.I wanted to give you this today. It's an excerpt from Dr. Lucille's fantastic book, "Creating and Maintaing Balance."Pick it up here freee: <--- 26 pages of Holly's book


Saturday, January 17, 2009

A good day

Today has been a good day...

I'm tidying my office and did a LOT of that today...

Did a quick bit of computer consultancy for a client.

Spent a couple of hours working on a Personal Safety eBook that I'm writing - I've got a whole raft of products that I've committed to producing for my Protectics Personal Safety System website -

The only downside to the day was my total inability to get an old webcam working with Windows Vista - seems like I will have to buy a new one.

So all in all a good day - here's hoping tomorrow will be at least as good...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WebProsperity Webinar

I've just run my first test Webinar with WebProsperity - really cool - I am looking forward to doing some personal safety webinars real soon.

WebProsperity is excellent

Also - since I love Free or nearly free stuff I'm pleased to have found Russell Brunson's free-ish (he charges P&P) DVD "The Real Secrets That Most People Will Never Know About Making Money On The Internet... All On This FREE DVD!" check it out at

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Going well

Things are going well for me today...

I have just finished my last assignment for my degree course (2nd year 1st semester) - not the best piece of work that I have ever done but hopefully good enough for a respectable grade...

I am very happy with the progress of my involvement with WebProsperity my Facebook group 'Web Prosperity 101' is attracting lots of new members and my WebProsperity signup page at is getting plenty of traffic.

The week ahead will be busy with a couple of new projects to get underway including a new website and technology allowing starting an overdue video shoot for a personal safety product.

On the downside, last week had a very poor customer service experience with a company called Global Comm (of Nottingham England) whom I had bought a couple of computer monitors from - I won't be using their services again...

Still all in all I am happy and at peace with the world...

Sunday, January 04, 2009

New Facebook Group

I have just set up a new Facebook Group called "Web Prosperity 101" to discuss how best to use the WebProsperity program/service.

I am also considering setting up a new mailing list that (as far as I know) will be virtually unique - it goes against the trend and the sage like advice of most list building and marketing gurus and may indeed be a CRAZY idea - but it keeps nagging away and I think that I will have to try it... More to follow...

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Collection of messages that I have posted to Facebook 'Internet and Real World Marketing Tips' Group.

I've started 2009 by (this morning) uploading my first marketing video to YouTube...

I got the idea over the last couple of days - bought the domain last night (about 8pm) created the video (sourcing free royalty free music was tricky - in future I will use better quality music - i.e. I'll buy stuff)
Created the video using PowerPoint and Microsoft Windows Movie Maker. Registered for a YouTube A/c. Finished about 11:54 just in time to spend the 'New Year' with my wife.

This morning, got the email from YouTube to confirm my a/c details at at about 11:30am and now 12:25 it's all done and dusted...

Very much a first attempt and not very professional - but as proof of concept it's great - can only get better...


I think that from start to finish a GOOD video lasting say 10 minutes should only take a couple of hours to produce... Will see...

Have a look, if you want to do the same and have any questions, email me or post a message on the Discussion Board.

To OUR success in 2009.


Happy New Year's Eve

A friend of mine Adrian Ling posted this sage like advice on his blog today:
"Know what you want to achieve in 2009 and go for it. Buy ONLY what you need to achieve your goals, and ignore everything else!"

I soooooo agree with this - I look at on average four products or launches a day - I buy maybe one every two weeks (OK sometimes more if they are stand alone income sources or if they form part of my overall strategy to earn on the internet). BUT be selective, be focused, be confident that your efforts during 2009 will give you everything that you want.

My Internet marketing goal for 2009 (Not a resolution - resolutions tend to be weak things that are easily forgotten) My goal is by the end of the year to have increased my Internet income to $1000 a day (Yes you read that right). Of course I have sub-goals and strategies and tactics and much much more to enable me to achieve that. The main strategic improvement that I have made recently, has been a refining of the way that I plan things in my diary - it has given me more structure and a more efficient use of my time.

Maybe you would benefit from better planning, maybe it's something else that holds you back. Of course it is possible that you already have everything that you want but if you want more - more money or more free time or more stuff or greater ability to help others - then figure out what is the number one issue that stops you from getting to where you want to go...

Then fix it - if you can't - HECK that's why we have a Discussion Group - post a message - your insurmountable problem, may be the problem that another group member solved last week !!!
There is a new program in prelaunch that looks interesting - it was recommended to be today by three of the marketing 'gurus' whose mailing lists I subscribe to. Therefore, I went and had a look...

Will it be the next big thing? Well to be honest I don't know, however as at this time there is no cost involved, so it doesn't hurt to take a peek...

The organization does seem to have a robust background and a good product to launch (in about a weeks time) so if you are into Internet marketing or are thinking about getting started and would like a way to maybe earn some extra money - take a look....

One of my webpages - for my eBook on Anger Management has a poor conversion rate - visitors compared to buyers - so I suspect that there is something 'sub-optimal' either in the design of the webpage or in the message - would you care to visit the site at:
and give me some feedback.
Check out this webpage and listen to the presentation - don't pay too much attention to WHAT they are talking about, pay LOTS OF ATTENTION to the design of the page, the production quality of the audio and the key marketing principles that are used within the webpage and the audio presentation.

Watch, listen and learn...
Earlier tonight, I wondered how many millionaires (People with US $1Million or more) there are in the world - so I did a quick Google and came up with an answer "In the whole world there are 8.7 million millionaires" - That's pretty cool.

What's interesting is that as we (in the US and UK and many other countries) enter a recession the opportunities for making a million dollars for yourself, will be INCREASING... Yes you read that right - don't believe me, go and do the research and you will see that it is the truth. A recession is an opportunity for those with guts, determination, luck, a plan, and an imagination.

Now you may be aware that at the moment there is a HUGE surge in online programs that you can buy into that will help you to gain one of the most important attributes for success namely knowledge. We live in an age that prizes knowledge above all else (except maybe beauty but hey I'm not going anywhere near a plastic surgeon so let's stick with the money).

Check this out...

This site's headline is "Amazing Secret Discovered By A 25 Year Old "Non Guru" Shows You How To Make $50,000 to $100,000 Per Day Without A Website, Product, Sales Copy Or Email List!"

Did you read that - YES 50K to 100K a day - WOW!!!! That has got to be worth checking up on...
So, look at this page - looking is free...
I've just come across what I think is a very well crafted website - what do you think?


My only suggestions for improvement would be a shorter 'snappier' headline and to disperse the testimonials throughout the webpage.

What do you think - let me know on the discussion board.
You may remember that a couple of days ago I chatted about John Merrick and Soren Jordansen's new program called Instant Banner Creator.

It's easy to create professional looking, eye catching graphics. You point... you click... you are done!

Remember that they have a free version that you can get at:

Anyway, in the follow-up and in using it and other graphics tools over the last couple of days, I started wondering what else is out ther...

So here are a few of the programs that a quick search has revealed - I am sure that there are many more, both free and paid for and if you want to share details of any that you use, please do...

The new resources are: Banner Generator Pro. Header Templates Collection. Ebook Ecover Generator. Marketing Graphics. Landing Graphics Elite!

Have a look at them and see what you think - then come back to the group's discussion board and post, your ideas, comments and suggestions.


I've used ClickBank for several years and I like it because they sell the product, take the money and then split the sale proceeds between the author of the product and the affiliate and they make the payments (less the small commission that ClickBank takes) - so no accounting for me as an author and just picking up the money from them as an affiliate (I, like many others, am both an author and an affiliate)

I have several products that I sell via ClickBank the main one being an eBook "How To Deal With Verbal Aggression"

If you are interested in being an affiliate for the product there are full details are on the website:
at the bottom of the page click on the link entitled "Check out our affiliate program"

P.s. If you are an author with a product that you sell via ClickBank and would like more affiliates then please post a message in the ClickBank threat on the Discussion Group.
The link to the video (the first one) that I promised you in my earlier message this morning is:

It's OK but the great video is No: 2
I had an email conversation about how I made and maintained some of my websites and thought that I'd share the following with the group members:

I have the following 'new' websites:

Plus lots of old sites. I used to be a Dreamweaver fan but these days I only use that when I want to edit an old site in simple 'text' (HTML) mode. For all the new and 'neat' stuff I use XSitePro - it's easy and it's quick and if you are looking for a better way to produce new websites, check out
Nicole Wilson a member of this group (Internet and Real World Marketing Tips) has used the Instant Banner Creator to create a graphic for her site - Check it out...

Nicole's site =>
Instant Banner Creator =>
I said that I'd follow up with some more PLR info and here it is.

OK, to set the scene a little, let me explain that I am currently developing a website on wellness matters and am using a variety of PLR articles therein. The site is at:
and the PLR articles are the ones attributed to 'Pathfinder'.

The intention is that eventually subject experts will write ALL the articles, (By the way - if you are an expert on any Wellness issue have a look at the site and contact me about the benefits of writing for it) but it takes time to get people to contribute (and I have been busy with more pressing business matters) so...

I've been using some free PLR content...

The two questions that you are probably wondering about are WHERE did I get this content and WHAT if I'm not interested in Wellness?

Well the articles are free from
and they cover a HUGE range of topics and interests, so why not go and have a look.

PLR =>
If you are involved with internet marketing, you have probably already gathered an impressive stash of free PLR (Private Label Rights) products.

And if you are anything like me, most of that PLR stuff is just sitting on your HD collecting cyber-dust. As of today the 15th December I have used many PLR items but still have over 130 unused items in my main PLR download directory - WHOOPS!!!

But don't delete those PLR items, because some of them just became very valuable.

You see, most PLR packages contain a lot of graphics, templates, clip art and such... and with the new Instant Banner Creator you can put all that to good use.

Just upload it... drag and drop... point and click your way to making some awesome graphics.

You could even take PRL graphics templates, run them through Instant banner creator and then resell them as a finished graphics package.

Definitely a lot of options with this great tool - and I highly recommend that you grab your free membership today.

Just hang on to those PLR graphics until you have checked out...
I have some great news today.

John Merrick and Soren Jordansen just released a new program called Instant Banner Creator.

I'm very excited about this one... It's so easy to create professional looking, eye catching graphics. You point... you click... you are done!

You should visit this page, watch the videos and screenshots - I don't think you'll believe how easy this is, before you see it yourself.


And here's the real kicker, they are giving away free memberships right now! Yep, when you
join Instant Banner Creator for free you get:

* The point and click three step wizard, where you can easily create high performing banners, buttons, headers, footers and peel ads.

* Their high converting templates, clip art, fonts and all the stuff you need to create
sweet graphical music... and you just drag and drop them onto the templates, save and
you are done!

* Hosting... Yes they will even host the images you create for you. In other words
you don't even need to have your own website to take full advantage of Instant Banner

Now I have to tell you that even though Instant Banner Creator is free to join - They do have an upgrade available and it's definitely worth looking at.

You'll get a chance to grab a massive discounton a life-time upgrade. And just one of the extra features you will unlock is worth it's weight in gold.

And that's not even mentioning the bonuses, quite frankly, they will blow you away!

But whatever you do, I strongly recommend that you go grab your free membership today.
Something this cool does not come along very often - and certainly not for free!
