Monday, March 27, 2006

Mysterious - the sequel...

I have published my blog but a post I've just made is not showing up... SPOOKY...

I have re-edited and re-published it and still NO SHOW... VERY SPOOKY...

So I'll copy it here and I'm betting that the minute I do that the original post will show up too - just to annoy me... That's blogging for you...

Is it any wonder that there's sometimes months between my posts.... Of course maybe it's a punishment from the blogging gods...

It's a mystery - I've just checked the sales stats for my eBook on How To Deal With Verbal Aggression and sales are down to zero for the last three weeks...
It's very strange, sales do vary and sometimes a week will go by without any sales (Best week ever was 43 eBooks) but three weeks in a row...
I've checked the website and it's working fine - and I've also checked several of my affiliates' sites (I sell the eBook via Clickbank and they are fine too...
Oh well the mysteries of marketing and sales are dark arts beyond my understanding...
It's probably the Universe telling me to get my finger out and launch my new eBook on Anger Management... Soon, Universe, Soon...

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