Monday, June 26, 2006


Is it somewhat ironic that today the BBC website reports:

"The inventor of the infamous AK-47 assault rifle has backed stricter gun controls as a key small arms conference gets under way on Monday in New York."

Apparantly there are "about 100m AK-47s and variants in use."

WOW that is a lot of guns.

Friday, June 23, 2006

B•Tect Breakaway Training DVD Preview

I had a bright idea on Wednesday - spent most of Thursday turning the idea into reality and today, Friday, completed and posted onto the website a NEW preview for the B•Tect two DVD training course.

The preview is available from the following webpage - Just click on "Clip 3: A longer preview of the DVD course." to see it...

The original idea was to make a preview that I could (will) send out on DVD and putting it on the website was an afterthought that I hope people will find useful.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


If you are interested in my free monthly newsletter on the management of Anger, Aggression, Violence and Stress then go to

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Breakaway Training

I've just launched a new website that is going to be dedicated to the Breakaway Training Products and Services that I offer. The site is at

My intention is to add content to the site so that over time it becomes a repository for advice on Breakaway Training, Safe Handling and related topics.